Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Graceful Journey

When my dad used to take me out, it was always a mission. My little legs couldn't keep up with his huge steps so I was determined to reach my father's steps and meet him there, and perhaps be able to walk ahead of him. On the day that I accomplished this feat, I almost got hit by a car. My dad pulled me back quickly and disciplined me as any loving father would. This was because I had not only got ahead of him, but by "letting go" of his hand and walking ahead, I put myself in harm's way.

Walking with our Lord is the same. He does not want us walking "ahead of him" because there are things we cannot see that only He can. For example, if you've suddenly become enamored by someone at school, church, the workplace, etc and you want to pursue a relationship with this person, consult with Your Savior first. Our emotions can get us into a whole lot of trouble. Consider the following scripture text: "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). Do our hearts have a stomach ache or a nasty flu when the scripture says it "is desperately sick?" Of course not! It is simply making the diagnosis of the heart's condition: SIN. It has been contaminated by this disgusting infirmity that man cannot make wise decisions. The soul is consisted of the mind, will, and emotions. The heart, obviously dealing with the emotions of man if not born again by the Spirit of God cannot and will not make decisions based on God's will but by its own will. Catch my drift?

Therefore, do not make decisions based on your emotions or how you feel. This goes for everything else: choosing a career (What does the Lord want me to do and how can I effectively proclaim the gospel while doing this?), finances (How can I glorify God in tithes and offerings? Am I being a good steward with the money that God has given me? Do I have dominion over my money or does it have dominion over me?), shopping (Is this something I need or something I want? Remember, you should be storing up treasures in heaven, not on earth. You're not gonna take it with you when you die. I have yet to hear anyone claiming to have brought their belongings with them to heaven), movies( Does this glorify God? Would Jesus watch this with me?), music (Does this bring glory to God? Does it bring me closer to God? Does it constantly remind me of my Savior?), relationships (Am I ready to get married?).

Walking with your Savior requires you to follow, that is, look to Him for direction, guidance, counsel, when making a decision. We're not walking with a dead person, but One who has not only resurrected but is seated at the right hand of the Father and lives inside you and me. We're not talking to a dead god, but One who is alive and well, One who all of creation proclaims and exhibits His existence and says to you and I..."I am with you always, even to the end of time." (Matthew 28:20). Every step you make with the Lord is an outward expression of His grace. We are not worthy to follow Him yet He has called you and I to follow, to be His disciples. "Jesus, thank you for allowing us to walk with you. Thank you for every step we make with You."

"Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians 5:15-17).

1 comment:

Stephen Kim said...

What up.

It was good to see you today.